Coming to a shelter may be a very intimidating experience. By knowing more about the shelter, we hope you will feel more comfortable about your decision. Many women have the same questions, so we have compiled a “Frequently Asked Questions” section to answer these common concerns.
If you do not find answers to your question, give us a call at 1-800-265-0598 or 519-354-6360.
Someone is available 24 hours a day. We would be happy to help you.
Where is the Women's Centre?
The Women’s Centre is in the city of Chatham at 20 Sandys Street. If you are not sure of our location, please phone us at (519) 354-6360. If you need to leave in a hurry most cab drivers, and all police officers, will know where we are located.
Will my partner be able to find me?
We do not give information on your whereabouts to anyone outside the building without your permission. For safety reasons we advise that you do not tell your partner or anyone that may try to help him find you that you are going to the Women’s Centre. Our building is very secure and all visitors must go through security before entering the building.
What is a safety plan?
A safety plan is something that is designed to help you stay safe in all situations – home, work, public places, friends’ houses, etc. It is important to create a safety plan for yourself and your children.
How long can I stay?
Woman can stay in shelter up to 6 weeks. The length of stay is based on an assessment of the needs of each woman or family. Counsellors will assist women to plan for alternate secure housing while residing at the shelter.
Do I need to call before I come?
No. We are open 24 hours and there is always staff here to help you. You do not need to call before you come. We do encourage you to call ahead for us to assist you with a safety plan for you and your children.
Is there a fee?
Counselling and shelter stays are funded through the Ministry of Community and Social Services. There is no cost to you for counselling services or shelter stays.
Are pets allowed?
Unfortunately pets are not allowed with the exception of Registered Service Animals for medical reasons. We will assist you in finding safe shelter for your animals.
What happens after I leave the Shelter?
We recommend that you keep in contact through our Outreach Counselling or Group programs. If necessary you can be re-considered for admission to the shelter.