Shine the Light on Woman Abuse - November
Raising the Flag to End Gender-Based Violence Across Ontario
Raising the Flag to End Gender-Based Violence Across OntarioNovember is Woman Abuse Prevention Month, and communities across Ontario will be joining with Chatham Kent Women’s Centre to raise the flag to end-gender based violence! For the 9th year, the Wrapped in Courage campaign is mobilizing Violence Against Women (VAW) shelters across Ontario to remind everyone that now more than ever, violence continues to be the greatest gender inequality rights issue for women and girls. Throughout the month of November we ask Ontarian’s to wear a Purple Scarf to show support for survivors who’ve had to endure gender-based violence in their homes, communities and workplaces. The purple scarf is a symbol of the courage it takes to seek support and safety from violence.
On November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the first day of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, a Wrapped in Courage flag will be raised in our community Civic Centre, Chatham, 315 King St West and a Proclamation will be declared by our Mayor, Darrin Canniff. This Proclamation and flag raising signals a commitment to ending gender-based violence in our community and to ensure survivors know they are not alone. Chatham Kent Women’s Centre provides vital safety and support services to survivors of gender-based violence and their children.
Gender-based violence is an often invisible issue, and many women and gender-diverse individuals may not be aware of the services that are available in their community. Every Ontarian has a key role to play when it comes to addressing gender-based violence and preventing femicide. Take action to address gender-based violence in a meaningful way today by:
- Talking with those close to you about how shelters in your community play an essential role for survivor safety through their programs and services and continue to have services available throughout the pandemic
- Contacting our municipal, provincial and federal politicians to let them know you want them to take action to end gender-based violence through commitments and planning at all levels of government. MP – Dave Epp
- Connecting with Chatham Kent Women’s Centre about how you can support our services
- Attending a flag raising in our community on November 25th at 11 am at the Civic Centre, Chatham 315 King St. West. Post and share photos and videos of Wrapped in Courage flags across Ontario!
- On November 25th Be Sure to Wear or Display A Purple Scarf in Support of Survivors of Gender-Based Violence and post with the hashtag #WrappedinCourage to your social media accounts!
Thank you for your continued support of gender-based violence survivors across Ontario and in Chatham-Kent.
Access the 2021 Wrapped in Courage Flag Location List

November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month and the Chatham Kent Women’s Centre is asking you to show your support!
Purple is a symbol of courage, survival and honour, and it also symbolizes the fight to end woman abuse.
Light up your business, school, home and place of worship with purple lights, balloons, and streamers.
Stand in solidarity with abused women and support them in understanding that any shame and/or blame they may feel does not belong to them but to the perpetrators of their abuse.
For more information contact us at 519-351- 9144 or Facebook.